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It is the policy of Hitachi Construction Machinery (UK) “HCMUK” Ltd to recognise and reinforce the importance of complying with all regulatory, statutory and legal standards which are aimed to ensure the Quality is seen as key to achieve the company’s goals.
HCMUK recognise their customer’s right to expect the service and goods they provide to be delivered by the specified time in the specified condition at the agreed price. Our commitment to our customers is to consistently provide high quality, professional and efficient services in order to meet, or exceed, the high standards and delivery expectations of our customers.
HCMUK manufacturing needs to comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 so that we may expand our business in a globalised product market. Product inspection alone is not sufficient for ensuring the quality of products to be purchased by customers. We must construct a Quality Management System “QMS”, including manufacturing processes, quality control systems and product quality standards for suppliers, in order to produce and maintain required quality standards.
The management team will show commitment and leadership, and bear the responsibility of establishing, implementing, integrating and maintain the QMS. Quality is the responsibility of everyone within HCMUK. It is essential that all personnel are aware of the company’s objectives and participate in this endeavour. The company recognises the need for constant review of the QMS, together with on-going staff training and feedback from staff and business partners to improve our practices and keep abreast of changing demands and skill requirements. Through direction and support every employee will have an understanding of the importance of the QMS and will be trained and be responsible for correctly performing the duties required by their specific role.
The QMS will be monitored, measured, evaluated and enhanced regularly and will be the ultimate responsibility of top management.
This policy will be reviewed annually at management review meetings, or after any significant changes, to ensure it continues to reflect and achieve the company’s commitment to quality.
David Roberts
Chairman and CEO – Hitachi Construction Machinery (UK)
Head Office Number
0191 430 8400Copyright © 2025 Hitachi Construction Machinery (UK) Limited, Monkton Business Park North, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear NE31 2JZ. Tel: (0191) 430 8400